Welcome to ENZYMETIME.net! This site is dedicated to informing the consumer of the power of the Papaya fruit and its benefits in preventing and providing relief from Gastric related symptoms.
For the past eight years our team at Enzyme Time, LLC, along with the great minds at J W Nutritionals in Allen, TX, have been developing a proprietary formula of Digestive Enzymes that is designed to help
alleviate heartburn symptoms and its root causes.
Currently Enzyme Time Chewable Wafers(ETCW)(ETs)….are being developed with J W Nutritionals, in Allen, TX. The formulating and R & D Testing has been ongoing since 2014. We expect to have a viable, marketable ETCW in 2022.
Until then, EnzymeTime.net will be utilized as an Educational site that compiles Public Domain information regarding Papaya, Enzymes, gastric issues, Immune Systems, and a wide range of other self-health related topics.
We will also use EnzymeTime.net as an investing tool, by way of pre-orders, and/or crowdfunding, and direct investing for ET , LLC shares.